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FLOOR.MATH function

The FLOOR.MATH function rounds a number down to the nearest integer or a multiple of specified significance, with negative numbers rounding toward or away from zero depending on the mode.

Parts of a FLOOR.MATH function​

FLOOR.MATH(number, [significance], [mode])

numberThe value to round down to the nearest integer or if specified, the nearest multiple ofsignificance.
significanceThe number to whose multiplesnumber will be rounded. The sign of significance will be ignored. It's 1 by default.[OPTIONAL]
modeIfnumber is negative, specifies the rounding direction. If 0 or blank, it's rounded away from zero. Otherwise, it's rounded towards zero.[OPTIONAL]

Sample formulas​

FLOOR.MATH(5.4)<br/>FLOOR.MATH(A2)<br/>FLOOR.MATH(32, 5)<br/>FLOOR.MATH(-26.2, 10, 1)


  • By default, positive numbers with decimal places are rounded down to the nearest integer. For example, 4.3 is rounded down to 4.
  • By default, negative numbers with decimal places are rounded away from zero to the nearest integer. For example, -4.7 is rounded down to -5.


  • CEILING: The CEILING function rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance.
  • ROUNDDOWN: The ROUNDDOWN function rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding down to the next valid increment.
  • ROUND: The ROUND function rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places according to standard rules.
  • CEILING.MATH: The CEILING.MATH function rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of specified significance. It also specifies whether the number is rounded toward or away from 0 depending on the mode.
  • FLOOR: The FLOOR function rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance.